The current version number is: 4.091210

This script was created to utilize Amazon's Web Services to provide a real-time listing of books or other items on your site that provide links for your visitors to purchase these items from Amazon US, UK, DE, JP, FR or CA, using your affiliate code. This script parses Amazon's XML feed to provide search results and bestseller listings in HTML for your visitors.


If you like this script leave a good review at Sourceforge (if you don't like it tell us how we can improve it)

You can get the script and all related files from Sourceforge .

Unpack the files in your cgi-bin directory and then immediately run /cgi-bin/apf4/apf_config.cgi to set your password and Associate ID.

More detailed instructions are available in the Installation & Beginner's Guide to get you started.

That's all you have to do. The main script itself should now be available at /cgi-bin/apf4/apf4.cgi

The script will now allow your visitors to search and browse through millions of bestselling items from

You can make a donation to the developers by buying products for them from their individual wishlists; Mr Rat's Wishlist , Labbs Wishlist.

But wait, there's lots more you can do with this script.

When you have the script up and running on your site you'll want to look over the Advanced Guide , the FAQ , and possibly the Variables List .


For a smaller, simpler solution for displaying a single product, or even just the image or price, you may want to check out the APF Banner script included in the release archive.

You can discuss this script and occasionally obtain limited free support at Amazon Products Feed Support Forum

If you wish to purchase support for the installation and/or customization of this script is the official third-party provider of these services.

A fully hosted store that requires no installation or maintenance from you is available from

Work is now underway on a PHP replacement for this script. It can be found at Project TiNA - PHP Amazon Associates Script .